Social Work

Earthquake relief

Earthquake Relief

After the massive earthquake that struck Nepal in 2015, thousands of people's life were affected in both rural and urban areas of the country. Immediate casualties, food and drinking water supply was required for those who were hard hit by the quake. During the time of need, we were able to help and carry out relief program in affected districts like Nuwakot and Dhadhing of Nepal.

Drinking Water Project

In March 2017, with the initiation of providing drinking water supply, 50 thousand liter water tank was built in Khadka Bhanjyan with the joint effort of Jan Nijland, Friends of Raissen, and Dambar. The water tank facilitates with clean drinking water which is directly beneficial to 200 houses


Duch Dental Camp

With the help of the Netherlands Oral Health Society team we were able to conduct free dental camp in Khadgabhanjyang village in Nuwakot. Free oral check up was done and awareness about dental hygiene was provided to the villagers.

School Project

With the initiation of Dr. Willem and Dambar the school project (9 rooms) in Khadka Bhanjyang was constructed from the financial support of Netherlands Oral Health Society (NOHS) after the Earthquake 2015. School project is still under construction.